People are attracted to guinea pigs because of their quiet sweet dispositions, their small size, and because they very rarely bite!

Guinea pigs, also known as cavies (cavy), are a very popular pet for children and adults alike. They are relatively inexpensive to keep and easy to house and feed. They tend to be hardy little animals that don’t easily contract diseases. If well taken care of, a guinea pig life span can run between 8 – 10 years.

Classed as rodents, they originated in South America and are the descendents of the Tschudi Guinea Pig (Montane Guinea Pig) Cavia tschudii.

Abyssinian Guinea Pig

Red Abyssinian Guinea Pig on green grass
Image Credit: Tettania, Shutterstock

Cavia porcellus

American Guinea Pig

Click for more info on American Guinea Pig
Cavia porcellus

Coronet Guinea Pig

Coronet guinea pig in the grass
Image Credit: Pernille Westh, Shutterstock

Cavia porcellus

Peruvian Guinea Pig

two peruvian guinea pigs
Image Credit: lino9999, Pixabay

Cavia porcellus

Silkie Guinea Pig

Image Credit: JumpStory

Cavia porcellus

Skinny Pig

skinny guinea pig
Image Credit: Anna Tronova, Shutterstock

Cavia porcellus

Teddy Guinea Pig

Teddy guinea pig nestled in hay
Image Credit: PHOTO FUN, Shutterstock

Cavia porcellus

Texel Guinea Pig

texel guinea pigs on green grass
Image Credit: Svitlana Govorun, Shutterstock

Cavia porcellus

White Crested Guinea Pig

white crested guinea pig
Image Credit: Bad_Bear_Pictures, Pixabay

Cavia porcellus

Featured Image Credit: Jaroslaw Slodkiewicz, Unsplash