Do you know where your pet is? If you don’t, there is one way to help locate them if they ever get lost. Animal tracking chips are a fairly new thing. Should you invest in one?

What are animal tracking chips?

Just like the name implies, these chips make it easy for you to find your pet if he becomes lost. Sure, you can use a collar with your residential information, but a chip can be an easier and quicker way to find your pet.

Veterinarians can implant the chips under your pet’s skin. The information that is recorded on the chip can then be traced by a company that registers the chips. If one is in the area, it can be located.

What are these chips made of? They are microchips that are small enough not to be detected under the skin. Your pet won’t be hurt by the insertion which is done through a needle and it can be easier to keep up with than a collar. Any discomfort that your pet feels initially should go away quickly.

Each animal tracking chip has a different frequency, a radio frequency referred to as RFID (radio frequency identification technology). The chips are read by a specific type of scanner. Whenever you update information about your pet at your vet, it is automatically sent to the registry company.

These types of devices are also used for large livestock to tag them for ownership purposes. They can be tagged in the ear and it is easier and less traumatic than branding.

Veterinarian checking microchip implant
Image Credit: olgagorovenko, Shutterstock

Benefits of the animal tracking chip

These chips are good for relaying information about your pet. If it is ever lost and taken to a shelter, they can use a chip reader to find out if the animal has one and who it belongs to. Your pet can be returned to you more quickly. This cuts down on unnecessary expenses at shelters to house lost animals.

The chip is easier to keep track of than a device implanted in a collar. Collars even with devices can be lost off of the pet’s neck. If you choose, the chips can be used in conjunction with other systems to keep your pet safe.

Lots of lost animals are not reunited with their owners because they can’t locate them. Even with a collar, someone has to report your seeing your pet. You can give your pet a chance with a chip.

vet Microchiping a cat
Image Credit: Lucky Business, Shutterstock

Do you need an animal tracking chip?

While these chips are handy they will cost you. They aren’t often cheap. Your veterinarian can enlighten you as to what you will pay.

Also, if your pet is an indoor animal, there may be no need for a chip. You can also take into account your pets personality. Certain animals are more likely to run away or escape than others. Dogs are probably the most lost pets. If you have an outdoor pet, a chip could be a preventative measure.

Animal tracking chips are useful and have several benefits. The decision to get one is up to you and should be based on several considerations.

Featured Image Credit: Lucky Business, Shutterstock